The story was revealed on CTV’s investigative program W5 on Wednesday evening. Rick Westhead had spoken about it earlier in the day.
tw graphic description of sexual assault, rape
for everyone who might not have seen: here is the ctv national news article about this, also by rick westhead, with quotes from anne marie (alias of the woman) https://t.co/Ns8lPkK7ww https://t.co/qUCep3faLU
– jin (@plubber87) October 16, 2024
This isn’t the first time Rick Westhead has delved into files of this kind. He was one of the key informants in the Soccer Canada spy scandal and the 2018 Junior Team Canada spy scandal, to name a few.
Warning! The rest of this text explicitly describes moments of rape and sexual assault.
The 19-year-old brought her into the basement bathroom, where they began a consensual sexual relationship. The alleged victim noticed, however, that the door wasn’t quite closed and that other players had begun to enter the room.
The eight players present “started taking turns, doing whatever they wanted”, according to the alleged victim. She was the victim of this assault for 90 minutes, and even lost consciousness during the attack.
This is another true horror story from the world of junior hockey. It’s always extremely painful to see stories like this happen.
It’s another horror story we wouldn’t wish on anyone. Here’s hoping that justice will do the necessary work to help the alleged victim.
– The good news is that he still has a smile on his face.
Reinbacher came to greet our donors!
Reinbacher came to say hi to our donors! #GoHabsGo pic.twitter.com/9RQBZLClal
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– Pacioretty takes notes from William Nylander.
“I’m sending videos of it to my kids saying, ‘This is how you guys have to do it. Don’t do it like me’”
Max Pacioretty on Nylander : pic.twitter.com/RQFwGdaTNK
– BarDown (@BarDown) October 16, 2024