The latter was Brashear’s biggest challenge , as he was quietly aging when Laraque arrived in the NHL.
That’s what he said on Radio X earlier today.
But that’s not what came out most in this 20-minute interview with Dany Houle, Jordan Boivin and Josey Arseneault.
However, he wanted to make it clear that he had absolutely nothing against the person, but simply that he wasn’t cut out to be a coach, least of all in Montreal.
He liked to laugh with the players, but when a serious decision had to be made, he wasn’t the best.
The two didn’t like each other at all at the time, and things got (very) heated in the dressing room.
Great spot, but much better in French because the English version omits the punchline for some reason.
Tremblay: “Pat, you should pull your goalie.”
Roy: “I think he’s good for two more championships.” pic.twitter.com/EkWfw78hY9– Ted Bird (@manofbird) May 29, 2021
“I got called back from the minors. I get there and at one point, he (Patrick Roy) and another guy got into a fist fight in the room. And when Mario came in, he was getting into it with… What impressed me was that they used to be roommates.” – Donald Brashear
The “other” in question has not been named, but the fact remains that Brashear has seen a lot in his career.
The 52-year-old didn’t elaborate on the reasons behind his choice of the worst coach he’s ever had.
One comment from Brashear that surprised me a little was that he openly said he’s never been one for fighting.
I guess he was, because it helped him achieve his dream of playing in the NHL, and he really wasn’t bad, either.
Let’s just say I didn’t expect him to have always been against fighting in field hockey.
– Check it out!
The Local Soccer Show welcomed special guest @MaximeTruman of @DLCoulisses to talk about youth soccer in Quebec. A bilingual conversation covering his coaching experience and a variety of other topics.
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– Milan Weekly Podcast (@MilanWeeklyPOD) October 4, 2024
– The fourth line tied the game for the Laval Rocket.
1-1#GoRocket pic.twitter.com/AXLVh4pMmP
– Rocket de Laval (@RocketLaval) October 4, 2024
– Sennecke returns to junior level.
Beckett Sennecke heads back to OHL Oshawa. Nikita Nesterenko, Jansen Harkins and Sam Colangelo all showed well in camp. Harkins on waivers, will join them at AHL San Diego if he clears. Nathan Gaucher also Gulls-bound. https://t.co/dTOneWbeQ1
– Eric Stephens (@icemancometh) October 4, 2024
– Read more.
Fresh mountain air and final preparations.
It’s all about the power play, unfinished battles and tomorrow’s game. https://t.co/fhmBU9jok1?
– Alexandre Gascon (@GasconAlexandre) October 4, 2024