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Johnathan Kovacevic to take Jordan Harris’ place tonight
Credit: Capture d'écran / Screenshot

Yesterday, we learned that Cayden Primeau will play tonight’s (Tuesday) game against the Columbus Blue Jackets. But we didn’t know if there would be any other changes.

And now we have the answer.

Martin St-Louis confirmed that defensively, Johnathan Kovacevic will return to the lineup for tonight’s game. He will take Jordan Harris’ place.

Defensively, we know that the Habs have seven healthy guys, but that four of them (Mike Matheson, David Savard, Kaiden Guhle and Jayden Struble) never skip a beat when it’s time to make changes.

Barring injury, of course.

As for Arber Xhekaj, he’s playing better and better these days. He doesn’t deserve to lose his place, forcing the Habs to pull Jordan Harris to make room for right-hander Johnathan Kovacevic.

Because, yes, Kovacevic has to play sometimes.

Offensively, there will be no changes. What this means is that Jesse Ylönen will skip his turn again and Colin White won’t be back in action following his injury. I’m not surprised in either case.

But more importantly, it means that Juraj Slafkovsky, whose health is precarious, will play tonight.

Let’s not forget that the big forward often has treatment days instead of practice. This suggests that he’s really not at 100% right now.

So seeing him play is good news… even if he hasn’t been producing up to his potential lately.

Breaking news

– News from the Rocket.

– To be continued.

– Nick Suzuki is making good progress. [BPM Sports]

– Happy reading.

– I love it.

– Interesting.

– Attention miniature fans.

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