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Réjean Tremblay sells his (big) house in Ste-Adèle
Credit: Capture d'écran / Screenshot

Every nation has its own references and heroes. In culture (TV, music, radio, web, etc), in sport, in politics…

In Quebec, we don’t say we’re as rich as Croesus. We say we’re as rich as Réjean. At least, we should.

The Godfather, who will celebrate his 80th birthday this summer, has made a lot of (Canadian) dollars over the years. La Presse, Le Journal de Montréal, TV series, movies, books… he’s never been idle, Rej.

But even though he has – and never will have – no money problems, Réjean Tremblay has always remained true, humble, open-minded and close to the world. For real, not just in finery!

At least, with the real people who deserved his respect!

Bye-bye Ste-Adèle
Réjean and his wife Julie Bertrand have made a big decision in recent days: they’ve just put their splendid Ste-Adèle home up for sale. Their broker Éric Lavallée is the former producer of the now famous show 110 % (TQS). Everything’ is in everything’.

The house, built in 1997, is currently listed at $1.188 million. There are three garages, five bedrooms, a complete additional apartment, six bathrooms or powder rooms (that’s right, toilets), two walk-ins and three living rooms. And a view of death!

I’ll let you take a look at some photos. If you’re ever interested, don’t hesitate to call Éric Lavallée.

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Two, three Harleys in the triple garage… a frame of himself… posters from his TV series… Réjean will always remain Réjean, hehe.

Do the couple, who spend a lot of time in Florida, intend to buy something back in the Montreal area? I don’t know… but I get the impression that Réjean wouldn’t mind being closer to Québec City and its slightly freer vibe.

Mind you! That’s just an impression (with Akhenaton’s voice).

Réjean and Lady Ju on 9 Millions
Réjean and Julie Bertrand(a.k.a. Lady Ju to their friends) have joined the team at 9 Millions, the new digital box created by former TVA big boss Serge Fortin. They plan to bring us a regular look at Florida, as seen through Quebecois eyes.

The first segment of their project is already a big hit on YouTube. Check it out… if only to see Lady Ju‘s aplomb (literally and figuratively) , hehe.

N. B. 9 Millions is also the company that produces Stanley25, the brand-new podcast I’m lucky enough to co-host with my good friend Jean “JT” Trudel.

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