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Pierre Karl Péladeau on the future of TVA Sports

The future of TVA Sports has always been the talk of the sports media world. After all, the channel has never turned a profit for the Québecor group, and cuts have often been made.

Just a few weeks ago, Pierre Karl Péladeau talked about the fact that things weren’t looking good for TVA Sports.

Quebecor’s CEO was back in public to talk about the future of his company, and once again, questions about the sports channel were asked.

Journalist Gérald Fillion asked the questions, as seen here.

At a difficult time for people in the communications industry, the man who recently became the owner of the Alouettes stated that there will be further cuts at TVA.

It’s not the first time such news has been announced.

But the question on the table is whether this will be the last time such news becomes inevitable. After all, there’s a limit to how many times cuts can be announced before a media outlet goes down.

Which brings us, of course, to TVA Sports. Will the unprofitable channel survive?

As the CEO has already announced, one aspect that isn’t helping the channel is the fact that Bell (hence RDS) doesn’t pay large enough royalties compared to other players in the market, according to Québecor. The company has therefore turned to the CRTC for a hearing.

And clearly, there will be a link between audience results and the future of the sports station.

We’re waiting for the (CRTC) arbitration decision.

It will be decisive for the future of TVA Sports. – Pierre Karl Péladeau

Mr. Péladeau confirmed that the station would not be closing its doors in the short term. However, it is to be hoped that, for the survival of the sports station, the CRTC will rule in favor of the empire.

TVA Sports’ contract for NHL rights expires in 2026. Under current conditions, we can expect to see field hockey rights go the way of RDS.

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