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Patrik Laine: season over before it’s even started?
Credit: Capture d'écran / Screenshot
Please tell me this is just a bad dream.

I still can’t believe how nightmarish the evening of September 28, 2024 turned out in the blink of an eye.

All the excitement surrounding the Montreal Canadiens’ upcoming season collapsed in the space of a minute.

At around 7:13 p.m., with a smile on my face, I was quietly returning from a soccer game with friends, excited to get home to watch the Habs game, when my father called me.

I’d told him I’d be late for the game and that I didn’t want to hear about it until I’d caught up, so as not to be “spoilered”.

But unfortunately, the situation was far too serious and urgent for my father not to tell me right away.

“Patrik Laine is finished. His knee. I’m going to cry.” – My father

I immediately understood what was going on, and suddenly the mood was no longer festive for me.

I hung up with my dad, and went to see the pictures, which made me even more depressed and frustrated, especially this photo.

(Credit: YouTube/Screenshot)

In short, the mood of the evening was completely ruined, and I didn’t even feel like going home to watch the game anymore.

In fact, I didn’t feel like doing anything at all, because all my enthusiasm for the Habs’ 2024-2025 season had vanished in a split second.

I may be an optimistic person, but for me, Patrik Laine’s season was over before it had even begun.

Still, we don’t yet know the severity of Laine’s injury, and as my colleague Raphael Simard mentioned last night, there are several possible scenarios, as follows.

Personally, I don’t believe in simple bone contusion.

I believe that the worst-case scenario would be a torn meniscus that would be removed instead of repaired, leading to an absence of 4 to 6 weeks.

Honestly, 4 to 6 weeks for Laine would be a miracle and good news under the circumstances.

We can still hope and remain positive, but we have to prepare ourselves for the worst, which is to see Laine miss the entire season, just like Kirby Dach did last season.

It’s so horrible for Laine, who finally seemed to be getting back on the ice after months of inactivity.

It’s tough physically, but especially mentally, after all the guy’s been through.

He was finally ready for a fresh start, but no, misfortune had to strike again.

Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Laine’s career was in jeopardy if the worst came to the worst in his case.

Do you really think the guy will have the mental strength to go through everything he went through last season and come back to the ice with yet another risk of such an injury?

In any case, if Laine doesn’t return to action this season, he’ll never be a shadow of his former self after missing almost two full seasons.

Unfortunately, he’ll become a burden for the Habs with his $8.7 million contract in 2025-2026.

In short, let’s hope the worst has been avoided for Laine, but honestly, I find it hard to believe after what I’ve seen, especially considering that Laine left the Bell Centre on crutches and a knee brace.

We should normally have an outcome to this nightmare in the next few hours, most likely tomorrow.

Stay tuned.


– Of course, as if that weren’t enough. Meanwhile, Reinbacher left the Bell Centre on crutches.

– A little balm on this horrible evening.

– I agree.

– What a beautiful pass e Clark and what a beautiful goal from Martinez.

– Magnifique.

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