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Next contract: Sean Monahan’s goal doesn’t fit with the Habs’ goal
Credit: Capture d'écran / Screenshot
Sean Monahan was beloved by fans when he played for the Canadiens.

The reason is simple: he did his job on the ice…and he was close to the youngsters.

That said, many fans were disappointed when the Habs traded him to the Jets last February, and understandably so.

The veteran will be out of contract in the next few weeks, and obviously, the idea of seeing him return to Montreal has been discussed en masse.

However, Monahan’s goal simply doesn’t seem to fit with the Habs’.

I say this because, at the Jets’ end-of-season review, “Monny” said he wants to give himself the best chance of winning… And the Habs aren’t there yet in their rebuild :

The most important thing for me is that I want to give myself the chance to win. – Sean Monahan

Sean Monahan is 29 years old and has a significant injury history.

But the center had one of the best seasons of his career this year, collecting 59 points in 83 games with the Canadiens and Jets.

That should really help him get a good deal this summer, and all the better for it.

Monahan has said on many occasions that he loves playing in Montreal, and you could see it in the way he played on the ice when he donned the Flanelle vest.

However, at his age and with the injuries he’s suffered in recent years, it’s normal to see him thinking about the Cup… Because that’s where he’s at in his career.

All in all, the chances of seeing Monahan in Montreal again seem slim.

But the fact remains that Kent Hughes was able to get two first-round picks for Monahan’s two seasons in Montreal… And that’s a victory.

A big win, even, because he seemed to be at the end of his career when the Habs acquired him in August 2022.

In gusto

– Good.

– Can’t wait to see this.

– Good point.

– Here’s hoping he doesn’t get injured in the first game of the season…

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