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5-5-3: The Canadiens’ January record is identical to December’s
The Canadiens are in the second year of their rebuild.

Overall, we can see that the club is making progress compared to last year… But overall, we can also see that the Habs have a lot to learn before they can compete with the best teams on the Bettman circuit.

The club is doing what it can with what it has. Injuries don’t help, but that doesn’t stop the Habs from being consistent in their performance.

After all, the club played 13 games in December and 13 games in January…

And the Habs’ record in January is identical to that of December.

The Tricolore won five games, lost five on the regular season and also lost three in overtime :

The subject of rebuilding is a bit touchy because we all have different opinions on the situation.

Some want to see the club start winning games quickly, because it’s been a “long time” since the team has been tearing it up on the ice…

While others advocate patience, in the sense that it takes time to see a rebuilding club start to be good.

But there is some good news.

Nick Suzuki and Cole Caufield have 19 points in their last 20 games…

Juraj Slfakovsky, who has played with both of the Habs’ star forwards, has 13 points in his last 20 games…

And Sean Monahan continues to shine with 18 points over the same period.

You can look at it two ways.

Youngsters producing and developing well despite the rebuild is a good sign…

But we can also say that, even if the most productive players are performing up to expectations, the results aren’t necessarily there for the Habs, who have won 10 of their last 26 games.

And this aspect also shows that the supporting players will have to give more if the Habs are to dominate for a long time to come – and for a long time to come.

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